Dr. Zhimin Xi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Rutgers University – New Brunswick. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Science and Technology Beijing in 2001 and 2004, respectively, and obtained his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (Program of Reliability Engineering) from the University of Maryland – College Park in 2010. Dr. Xi’s research interests include design for reliability and the application of reliable autonomous vehicles/robots, lithium-ion batteries, and additive manufacturing. He is the recipient of 2021 ASME – Design Automation Young Investigator Award, 2019 Rutgers A. Walter Tyson Assistant Professorship Award, and 2016 DARPA – Young Faculty Award. He currently serves as an Associate Editor for IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters and for the ASME – Journal of Mechanical Design.