Designing a Customized Data Management System for My Department - Office of Organizational Leadership Skip to main content

Designing a Customized Data Management System for My Department

Michael S. Hayes, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Public Policy
The Graduate School at Rutgers University-Camden

Dr. Michael S. Hayes earned his Ph.D. in Public Administration & Policy from American University. His research interests include public budgeting & finance and education policy. His research has been published in various academic journals including the American Journal of Education, Economic Letters, Journal of Economic Geography, and Public Budgeting & Finance. His work has been cited in numerous media outlets including The Brookings Institute, Education Week, Politico, U.S. News and World Report, The Wall Street Journal. Professor Hayes teaches Quantitative Methods, Foundations of Policy Analysis, Introduction to Public Budgeting and Finance, and Financial Management of Public Programs.

Project Sponsor
Lorraine Minnite
Associate Professor and Department Chair
The Graduate School at Rutgers University-Camden

Currently, my department lacks a customized data management system to make critical decisions (e.g., course offerings) and to evaluate the progress of our departmental objectives/goals (e.g., degree competition, meeting minimum course enrollments, etc.). This lack of a data management system has resulted in the following problems:

  • Offering course that don’t meeet student needs to graduate on time
  • Offering courses that don’t meet minimum course enrollments
  • Making course scheduling time consuming and inefficient

The lack of a customized data management system is the result of relying on external data sources, and we do not have a method/process to compile and organize this data into one system that can be used to make above mentioned decisions.